Iceless Cold Therapy, Compression and DVT Prophylaxis Therapy.
The VascuTherm 4 delivers a totally unique and proprietary thermal compression therapy solution in one easily transportable device. Solid-state technology eliminates the need for ice, offers precise temperature control for preventing thermal tissue damage and delivers exceptional reliability.
The VascuTherm 4 offers highly effective DVT prophylaxis through unique and programmable multiple treatment modalities – combining heating/cooling temperature management with vascular compression.
Therapy Wraps
- We offer both Re-Usable and Single Patient Use wraps to accommodate rehabilitation post surgically or in the physical therapy/athletic training environment.
- Our wraps are scientifically designed to deliver a variety of therapies: cold, heat compression and DVT Prophylaxis.
- Wraps are Latex-free
- Wraps will not adhere and can be applied directly to the skin
- Wraps for all body parts
Single Patient Use Wraps
(designed for Post-surgical rehabilitation)
- Prevents cross-contamination
- Eliminates staff cleaning time
- Sterile and Non-Sterile available
- Insurance reimbursable
Premium Wraps
(Re-usable, ideal for Athletic Training or Physical therapy)
- Cost effective and Easy to use
Treatment Modalities
Precise Temperature Control:
Cold: 43ºF to 50ºF Heat: 105ºF
Compression Therapy:
3 Settings: LOW (15mmHg), MED (30mmHg) and HI (50mmHg)
DVT Prevention Therapy:
Foot: Cycles at 100mmHg Calf: Cycles at 45mmHg
Proprietary Integrated Compression with DVT Prevention.
Solid State Cooling/Heating – NO ICE required.
DVT Prophylaxis:
Decrease the risk of deep venous thrombosis (DVT)
Reduction of edema associated with soft tissue injuries such as burns, post-operative edema and ligament sprains.
Treatment of disorders associated with vascular or lymphatic insufficiency such as Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), venous stasis ulcers, post-mastectomy edema and chronic lymphedema.
Localized thermal therapy (hot or cold) for post traumatic and post-surgical and/or medical conditions.